About Us
Moora Primary School is a Level 4 Independent Public School, situated 172 km north of Perth. The school community is drawn from the Moora town site and surrounding rural areas and caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Students who attend the school are from a variety of backgrounds, with many travelling by bus from farms daily.
Our school was established in 1897 making it one of the oldest primary schools in Western Australia. Over the years we have served as a Primary School, District High School and the birthplace of Central Midlands Senior High School.
Moora Primary School (PS) is a dynamic learning community where members work collaboratively to give every child the opportunity to realise their full potential and to become resilient, confident and respectful citizens. The school has always enjoyed a strong community spirit developed over decades from parent and community involvement within the school.
A close, supportive relationship continues to exist between students, staff and parents enabling us to know each student as an individual. Staff and students work together cooperatively to create a positive school environment in which every student feels safe and is able to learn in a friendly and caring atmosphere. In everything we do we follow “The Moora Way”.
Moora PS is a distinctive school where students experience success due to high quality teaching and learning. We are proud of our school and our collective achievements. It is achieved through a whole school evidence-based approach to Literacy and Numeracy with targeted effectiveness and differentiation for every child, including remediation and extension. We pride ourselves on a reputation for inclusivity, values, pastoral care, strong academic results and community engagement.
We have a committed, proactive and dedicated staff working to help each child be as successful as they can be. Our staff have high expectations and adopt a wide variety of innovative teaching practices.

We celebrate successes at Moora Primary School at each assembly students receive Merit Awards for academic and social achievement. Students can earn Faction tokens for displaying the virtues of Moora Primary School and those displaying the values of Respect, Achievement, Perseverance and Integrity are awarded a Moora Way Award. Those tokes are added together and Faction Rewards can be achieved throughout the year.
As an Independent Public School in 2015, The Moora School Board works with the principal to set and monitor the key directions of the school and to make a positive contribution to the continued development of the school. The Board includes representatives from the parent and staff bodies, the Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) and the community. A proactive P&C continues to support the school with numerous fundraising campaigns each year to assist in the provision of resources and equipment for the school. This partnership with the community provides a strong support base upon which the school has thrived for many decades.
Whilst new facilities provide for many opportunities, it is the school’s learning and teaching culture of ‘Excellence’ and its strong sense of community that drives our Moora PS vision; ‘To develop students who are well prepared, strive for excellence and positively contribute to society.’
As an Independent Public School, we aim to continue to increase our Kindergarten to Year 6 enrolments by increasing our reputation for excellence. Our challenge is to continue to target areas to further develop our students as successful, motivated learners. We are confident that our focus on the development of each individual child and their learning can be achieved with the support of a strong partnership between the school and the school community. Together, as a community, we are building the learning foundations and futures of our children, just as our predecessors have done for more than 100 years.